It’s no secret that our bodies need movement. It’s also no secret that many of us live very busy lifestyles and it is hard to squeeze in a daily workout . My advice is just MOVE and do it everyday! Our bodies are made to move, we have over 600 muscles and they need to movement. We need to move in order to support our physical, cardiovascular and mental health. Whether you have a regular workout routine or need to start one, here are some tips to adding a bit more movement into your everyday life. Add an extra 10-15 minutes a day to move and your body will thank you for it.
Just 10-15 minutes a day can help:
- Maintain or lose weight
- Improve cardiovascular health
- Re-energized
- Focus
- Improve strength
- Improve Focus
Take a break and move! Simple 10-15 minute movement strategies:
Get outside and take a walk. Whether it is a brisk walk or leisurly stroll your body is still getting benefits of a reset and getting your blood flowing. Depending on where you live the elements can be challenging, but with the right gear the fresh air can be invigorating!
Stretching gets blood flowing and is a great reset during the day or to calm the mind before sleep.
If you are familiar with yoga you could do a short 10 minute yoga practice. A Yin practice for quieting and grounding or a Yang practice for a more invigorating putcome.
High Intensity Interval Training workout. Just 10 minutes added to your day can get your blood pumping, burn calories and clear your mind.
If you need help getting motivated to move and would like to work with me to improve your daily movement routine please contact me.