Our bodies naturally lose water overnight, which makes hydrating first thing in the morning extremely important. I once heard an analogy that drinking water is like giving each of your cells a bath. With that in mind, every morning, before I consume anything (i.e. coffee=dehydrating), I drink at least 16 ounces of warm water. Warm water in the morning kick starts digestion, flushes toxins, lubricates joints, muscles, and hydrates organs.
Jump or Bounce for Lymph Drainage
I easily get cold hands and feet due to poor circulation and if I eat or drink the wrong thing, I get puffy morning eyes that no cucumbers or under-eye patches can help. So, in the morning, I jump. I jump for lymph drainage. The body’s lymphatic system is like a sanitization system that removes excess toxins. Unfortunately, there is no built-in pump in the lymphatic system so the lymph cannot move on its own. After lying still all-night, lymph becomes stagnant. When lymph becomes stagnant in the body it can cause congestion, puffiness, and poor circulation. Therefore, every morning I jump! 100 tiny quick little jumps to get things flowing. On days that something (like my back) is sore, I sit on an exercise ball and bounce.
Get Grounded
In the morning set an intention for the day. An intention is not to be confused with a goal or to-do list instead it is a focus for the day ahead. I use this practice to honor where I am at instead of being frustrated by where I want to be. For example, “I am grateful for how strong I am today”. Then, during my workout, I accept what my body can do and work from there to get stronger. To me, this is so much more productive than heading into my workout with a negative mentality of wishing I was in a different place. Another example to use is when faced with an extremely busy day, an intention maybe “I will stay focused and be happy with what I accomplish”. Throughout the day I can return to the intention, refocus, then accomplish one task at a time.
If you need help getting motivated in the morning please contact me