Avoid Refined Sugar
We all know that too much sugar is bad for us. Then, why do people keep ingesting it in large quantities? One reason is it is highly addictive. Some studies show that refined sugar is as addictive as alcohol or cocaine. Plus, the more sugar you consume the higher your tolerance becomes. A higher tolerance leads to consuming more, thus leading to a greater risk of disease.
What is refined sugar?
Refined sugar is exactly what it sounds like. It is “refining” or processing of sugar cane or sugar beets to make, most commonly, table sugar. This is granulated sugar that you can bake with or sprinkle on your food or add to drinks. In food manufacturing refined sugar, commonly high-fructose corn syrup is added to processed foods like cereal, cookies crackers, condiments, and sauces.
So what?
We know it’s bad, but what’s the big deal? It is a bid deal! As a whole people are consuming more refined sugar than generations before. Refined sugar is everywhere and unless we consciously try to avoid it, it is a huge problem. The overconsumption of refined sugar can lead to all sorts of health problems. Most commonly (as you have probably heard) obesity and diabetes. This is where I almost lose you right? You probably think I’m not obese and don’t have diabetes, so this won’t affect me. Unfortunately, that may not be the case. Consuming refined sugar can also contribute to many other health issues.
To name some:
Gut Issues
Chronic Inflammation
Auto-Immune Disease: Arthritis, Asthma, and MS
Energy Dips
Food Cravings
Candida Overgrowth/Yeast Infections
Speed up the aging process by changing the structure of collagen
Feed cancer cells
Most likely each of us will experience at least one of these by eating processed sugar.
How to cut back.
The easiest way to cut back is by doing a detox. Removing refined sugars for a period of time will give your system a break. The reset can help reduce cravings and let your body heal from the damage the sugar has done. Detox times can vary depending on what your body needs.
Give it a try!
I stopped eating refined sugar over a year ago. Although I am not at 100%, I’m pretty close. What I’ve noticed since I removed it from my diet. I feel less bloated, especially after eating. I don’t get headaches and my focus is better. I very rarely want something sweet (if I do, I will have some fruit). If a dessert is in front of me and I go in for a bite, I almost immediately feel TERRIBLE. I get an instant headache, often a bellyache, and can not focus. I feel so much better not having much processed sugar in my diet. I DO NOT MISS IT AT ALL!