I have been studying the effects of Glyphosate on the environment and in humans. I feel compelled to share some tidbits of information with you all. I knew it was bad, but it is really bad!


What is Glyphosate?

Glyphosate is the active ingredient in Roundup, now recognized in court as toxic and cancer-causing. It is an antibiotic that is killing beneficial bacteria in the soil. The lack of beneficial bacteria is modifying the availability of nutrients found in the soil which then directly affects the lack of nutrients in the plants.  We eat nutrient deficient plants and our bodies cannot function properly.


Why does this matter?

Being exposed to or consuming glyphosate affects our gut microbiome. When the microbiome is disrupted it can lead to Leaky Gut. If you are unfamiliar, Leaky Gut is exactly what it sounds like, it is when the lining of the gut gets disrupted and proteins and toxins leak into the bloodstream creating a systemic inflammatory environment.


Symptoms of Leaky Gut:


Poor Digestion


Poor Sleep

Brain Fog

Inflammation Conditions (such as Asthma, Eczema, and Psoriasis)


Studies have shown that Leaky Gut is related to diseases such as degenerative disorders (Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, MS) as well as inflammatory disease (Cancer, Heart Disease, Autism, Diabetes).


Soil health and human health are directly connected. Our bodies need micronutrients as an essential part of human health and the regeneration of tissues and cells. Without these micronutrients, our bodies cannot perform the necessary functions.


So, what do we do?

Although we are going to be exposed to glyphosate it is best to eat ORGANIC!


Along with organic food, adding the correct type of supplements to your diet is key. Not all supplements are created equally. Most supplements are made in a lab, which has a negative impact on our liver and our gut. Even if it’s made from a whole food, it’s processed in a way that deletes their nutrient content and can contain heavy metals and Glyphosate.


My new programs and protocols offer a way to gently detox from Glyphosate, nourish the body with regeneratively grown micronutrients, and support the body on a whole new level.


People experience brain clarity, sound sleep, better digestion, balanced blood sugar levels, reduced cravings, balanced hormones, and improved moods. It’s quite remarkable what the body can do when it’s fed what it needs and obstructions caused by environmental toxicity are removed!


Who is ready to thrive?

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